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Extraordinary meeting of Little Harrowden Parish Council 02.01.2025; 7.30pm

Extraordinary meeting of Little Harrowden Parish Council to be held from 8.15pm in the Committee Room, Little Harrowden Village Hall, Main Road, Little Harrowden.

The public open forum will be between 8.15-8.30pm where members of the public and press will be able to present statements on the planning application of Phase II of the Glenvale development.

Proposal: Outline Planning Permission: Outline Planning Application for
residential-led mixed use development of up to 1,000 homes (Use
Class C3), employment uses of up to 26,118 square metres
(including Use Classes B2, B8 and E(g)(ii and iii)), sports pitch and
changing rooms, green infrastructure, retention of woodland and
ridge and furrow, supporting infrastructure, surface water
drainage, internal highway network including primary street
connecting to an existing road Beaumont Drive in phase 1, ground
remodelling and other ground works as required, forming part of
the Wellingborough North Sustainable Urban Extension. All
matters reserved except for formation of new access from the A509
Niort Way. (Plan and ES Updates received 12.12.2024)
Location: Glenvale Park

The plans and other details for NW/24/00138/OUT are available online at


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